Quality Engineering or Die Trying

There is no time to lose.

Even if you avoid risks, the current digital landscape is pressuring the existing actors to continuously reinvent their value proposition.

New actors are emerging as unicorns in less than 2 years, creating new markets and disrupting existing ones, including your company.

Quality Engineering is the paradigm constraining the software lifecycle for continuous value delivery to achieve Quality at Speed.

I am now driven by the motto “Quality Engineering or Die Trying”, applying it in my software activities and also naming the QE Unit newsletter that way.

Why living by Quality Engineering or Die Trying

Digitalization is impacting every sector, from retail, manufacturing, finance, agriculture to health, at an accelerated rate. 

The pressure to transform will only increase as more and more actors leverage technology to expand their value proposition.

Only actors at the high-standard will survive.

Similarly to the evolution theory, it is not about only being a big actor; the speed at which an organization can continuously adapt is more important.

This change of paradigm can be summarized in the need to capture both economies of scale (as in previous industrial revolution) and economies of speed.

Our digital world depends on software supporting the user experience, internal operations to the collaboration with other companies.

Hence, survival depends on Quality Engineering or Die Trying.

Who needs to follow Quality Engineering or Die Trying

Traditional approach to software production relies on similar mechanisms of the industrial revolution: vertical and siloed functions.

This specialization is necessary as each function becomes more complex (think about DevOps, Data Science), requiring a deep expertise.

The problem is that it makes transversal collaboration harder, slowing down the speed of iterations.

Agile and DevOps contributed to broader collaboration across silos to deliver more value at an accelerated rate.

Quality Engineering is there to reconcile to streamline the software activities for fast feedback loops of value delivery.

Anyone wanting to learn, contribute and share on Quality Engineering is welcome; we need to connect expertises of the entire software value-chain to improve our system.

You are welcome at any level: engineer, QA, QAE, SRE, DevOps, PO, PM at any level of seniority, from CIO, CTO, head of, lead, manager, junior to staff engineer.

What matters is to improve with Quality Engineering.

What to expect from Quality Engineering or Die Trying

Quality Engineering aims to provide actionable content to deliver Quality at Speed through blogs, interviews, ebooks, etc. 

Right now the content is not well concentrated, reflecting the lack of transversality and harmonization of our practices.

I am trying to contribute with the QE Unit.

QE Unit is the Quality Engineering Community providing various contents from community sharing.

You can also access:

  • A weekly update of Quality Engineering with exclusive content crafted, compiled and summarized from various sources;
  • Early access to private round-table, events, surveys and other community collaboration opportunities;
  • Co-construction of the Quality Engineering Framework, MAMOS.

You only need to join.

How to live by Quality Engineering or Die Trying

The QE Unit provides a main site concentrating the different contents.

What you can do to live by Quality Engineering:

  1. Follow the QE Unit to get your ebook and get introduced to the community
  2. Join the QE Unit to officially be part of the community
  3. Share the QE Unit with with peers.

From now on, my motto is “Quality Engineering or Die Trying”.